Create, collaborate, and distribute from anywhere to anywhere

MediaCentral is the AI powered platform you need to break stories online, on social media, and on-air. Build your audience across any platform and bring teams together like never before with a modern newsroom management solution.

Unify news content creation

Write, edit, and distribute news stories from anywhere with industry leading story-centric and video creation tools.

Power your on-air productions

Let the creativity flow and deliver the shows audiences want with the rock-solid reliability of MediaCentral | Newsroom Management (iNEWS), or integrate your newsroom system of choice.

Break news first on every platform

With MediaCentral | Publisher, you have the AI enabled tools, workflow integration, and collaboration teams need to break stories online, on mobile devices, on social media, and on-air.

Connect and collaborate

Bring together journalists, editors, graphic designers, and more as MediaCentral’s open framework makes it an easy fit into any news production environment seeking to take advantage of story-centric working.

The right tools for the right task

From journalists and producers to ingest operators, loggers, editors, and writers, customize MediaCentral for any production role in the organization.

Stay local, go global!

With remote access, and the ability to unify multiple stations, MediaCentral empowers greater storytelling, simplifies content sharing and uses AI enhanced search technologies.

Mobile muscle

Stay connected and update on-the-go with mobile apps for story writing, project tracking, and video viewing so you are always on top of the latest developments.


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New platform a game changer for SVT Sweden
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