TL AutoPan


Classic analog panning effects

AutoPan brings Pro Tools stereo and surround effects processing into the 21st century with an armada of panning effects based on classic analog panning units. The flexible tempo synchronization, trigger, and envelope detection features power AutoPan's rhythmic, musical panning effects ranging from the subtle to the extreme. AutoPan includes graphic metering of output and pan position for precise control of panning effects.

Whether you need swirling guitars, a subtle vocal sweep, or extreme stereo and surround manipulation, AutoPan delivers a new dimension in panning effects.

AutoPan is bundled with Pro Tools and Pro Tools Ultimate.


  • Stereo and surround panning

  • Flexible LFO modulation with waveform, session tempo, and trigger options

  • Envelope modulation from input or sidechain input

  • Output and pan modulation metering


Windows Windows 7 and later
Mac Mac OS 10.7.x and later
Pro Tools Pro Tools 11.x and later


AAX Native

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